OCD Project and Coherent States once again joined forces for the realization of Ametric Festival (15+16/9, 2023) at the very special venue of San Salvatore Bastion, Chania, where the Venetian architecture creates a unique and eerie concert setting, absolutely suitable for the sonic and aesthetic highlighting of the experimental nature of the music.


Ametric Festival 2023  hosted the first ever performance in Greece of the experimental ambient pioneers :ZOVIET*FRANCE: (with a dense discography from the early 80s), the dark ambient, industrial and techno essence of DEMDIKE STARE (in an exclusive set by Miles Whittaker ), the intense and heavy electronics of GAËL SEGALEN, the performance of the feminist avant-garde duo I BROKE THE VASE, the collage sound poetry of ANGELOS KYRIOU, the glitch electronica of DALOT, the sound compositions of DIMITRA KOUSTERIDOU and the playful artsy universe of BABAK AHTESHAMIPOUR .



The main purpose of Ametric Festival is the gradual integration of contemporary experimental music into the cultural events of Crete, through a series of events that will take place every year, with the aim of establishing the festival as a meeting point of experimentalists from every corner of the planet during summer months, as well as the simultaneous consolidation of San Salvatore as the space where this musical dialogue takes place.