Alex Neilson in The Wire:
“The most marked aspect of Earth is the voice of David Aird, aka Vindicatrix. Imperious and dolorous, he has the gravity of post-Climate Of Hunter Scott Walker, David Sylvain or Klaus Nomi stripped of the pathetic ritz. This is something that’s easy to do badly, but Aird pulls it off with aplomb. On “The Children” he breaks into a morose yodel, rolling the words around his palate and colouring each syllable black before gifting them to the air. The meaning isn’t understood verbally as much as viscerally. Beneath Aird’s ululations, Richter casts handfuls of angelic debris from keyboards and digital devices, generating a celestial electronic tapestry reminiscent of Japanese musician Nobukazu Takemura. Sounds vie and twist at frequencies you can’t so much hear as feel in the bridge of your nose, and the variety and full-bloodedness of the accompaniment is what prevents Aird’s vocal from occassionally lapsing into shtick.”